Software Preservation Services in Cultural Heritage Organizations


Preserving software is a prerequisite for preserving and providing access to digital cultural heritage and research. The recent formation of the Software Preservation Network (SPN) has provided momentum for a better understanding of the landscape of software preservation activities. This poster discusses preliminary results from a study undertaken by SPN’s Research Working Group. Our specific research questions are: What software preservation services are cultural heritage professionals currently providing? What are the gaps in services? What are the opportunities for future service provision? Our Service Provider Study focuses on software preservation activities happening in libraries, archives and museums. This study will inform a foundational agenda that SPN members and other cultural heritage professionals can use to conduct further research on sustainable software preservation services.


Erickson, Seth; Benner, Jessica G.; Work, Lauren; Lassere, Monique; Williford, Christa; Hagenmaier, Wendy
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