Promotion of InfoEver SIG (Special Interest Group), the Research Group Seeking to Establish a Grand Design for Long-Term Preservation of Digital Information in the Super Smart Society


Advancements in information science technology are generating anticipations of a “super smart society” that integrates the physical and cyber worlds. A research group that discusses the grand design for a long-term digital information preservation system that can respond to the super smart society from the perspectives of information science, materials science and social science is being promoted. The group started its activities on March 2016, and has completed the first phase on March 2017 by conducting a basic survey. For 2017, the research group will continue on to the second phase by specifically deciding on the targets for digital preservation and their methods, and then propose strategies on the long-term preservation of digital information in the super smart society in 2018.


Nojima, Hideo; Kasahara, Shoji; Minato, Kotaro
kyoto; poster
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CC BY-SA 4.0 International
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