Addressing Major Digital Archiving Challenges


The E-ARK project (E-ARK is funded by the European Commission’s FP7 PSP) is addressing several major challenges faced by archives and institutions/researchers preparing data to send to archives. With the recent emphasis on open access, there has been a sea-change regarding discovery and archival material, so that citizens, businesses and academic researchers as well as the archives and data providers themselves can look forward to novel ways of analyzing archival data. E-ARK is half way through its three-year timespan, and has already produced some concrete solutions to real challenges in this problem space. This poster will graphically demonstrate the various challenges and show how E-ARK is meeting them now, or plans to in the future.


Delve, Janet; Anderson, David; Wilson, Andrew
digital archives; user survey; e-ark; ec; ict-psp; pilot; e-infrastructure; data mining; oais; big data; born-digital records; ingest; access; edmrs; database preservation; open access; moreq
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