Digital Preservation Progress at the Cornell University Library: Presentation - iPRES 2005 - Göttingen


Cornell University Library (CUL) has developed nine priority goals for the coming years in support of its strategic plan. CUL's digital preservation efforts are well established, and include a highly acclaimed "Digital Preservation Management" workshop. So it is natural that one of its priorities is to develop an OAIS-compliant digital preservation system for its digital assets within three years. We will discuss our work plan and progress to date, which includes a "Digital Preservation Policy Framework", a full review of the OAIS reference model that forms our own requirements for such a system, an elevator pitch for the project, and a draft selection policy and associated procedures. A related project is called "Ensuring Access to Mathematics Over Time", funded by the National Science Foundation. This is a collaborative effort with SUB Göttingen to preserve serial literature in mathematics. SUB Göttingen will preserve journal articles from its digitization of Springer mathematics journals. CUL is preserving mathematics literature from its Project Euclid. In this presentation we will discuss the progress we have made thus far and our plans for the final year of our project. We will discuss the implementation of collaboratively administered, physically distributed digital preservation systems, such as the ones at CUL and SUB Göttingen and the unique set of challenges they present. Scenarios and use cases we have developed, and agreements we've made will be discussed, as well.


McGovern, Nancy; Rosenkrantz, Marcy E.
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