Searching for Storage Recommendations for Large Born Digital and Digitized AV Records at a Medium Sized University Archives


This lightning talk is a continuation of a presentation at the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries’ Digital Stewardship Community Digital Preservation Mixer in April 2024. The talk will focus on the learning curve of preserving large born digital and digitized Audio Visual (AV) records. This lightning talk will focus on the theme of “Start 2 Preserve” - how to create the bridge between best practices and real-world projects. This presentation will explore the results of a preservation pilot project for a collection of 14,430 AV records. From metadata cleanup to the creation of an assessment tool for selecting records for digitization, to determining standards for digitization of the AV records, creating workflows for preparing records for digitization, creation of ingest workflows for digitized AV records, and all the steps in-between. I hope to answer the question of: You have identified and digitized high priority AV records for preservation. How do you preserve 10, 20, 30+ TB of digitized AV records with limited resources? I hope to provide insight into my learning curve jumping into a large AV preservation project, focusing on the challenges surrounding large record storage options for a Medium Sized University Archives. I’m hoping to connect with others who can share experience scaling up storage solutions for large born digital and digitized records. This lightning talk will include lessons learned about Cloud storage over the past ten months of researching best options for born digital and digitized record storage. The lightning talk will include recommendations for storage of large AV records and lessons learned along the way.


Lisa Lawlis
2024-09-18 13:25:00 +0100
approaches to preservation; start 2 preserve
Publication Type
lightning talk
Creative Commons Zero (CC0-1.0)
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