Preservation of audio-visual content: strategies and cases of FIAT/IFTA community


FIAT/IFTA is a global network for those engaged in the preservation and exploitation of audiovisual archives. One of its entities is the Preservation and Migration Commission (PMC), which deals with aspects related to the preservation and migration of any audiovisual content from a long-time perspective when it comes to: Analogue and Digital Preservation Processes, Migration to Digital, Long-term Digital Preservation, Digital Restoration and Quality improvement, File Formats and Standards. A delegation of PMC members will propose a half-a-day workshop during which we can compare our strategies and cases with other members of the iPres global digital preservation community. Audio-visual content may be seen as any other type of document, however it has specific properties and preservation issues. First, for analogue and non-file-based formats, migration is definitely a need, a “one best chance” to do it properly while catching all possible errors, in order to produce preservation-quality content. In the digital domain, audio-visual content requires a lot of storage, and preservation has to deal with the increasing number of file formats and with demanding access modalities when integrating archives with production and communication to the public. Also, audio-visual content is often complemented and referenced by other types of documents (i.e. ancillary elements and data). Once the basics and the most common strategies for migration and digital preservation are explained, a number of practical cases are going to be presented, which will offer an opportunity to interact with the audience. What would have been your choice of strategy, if it was your case? The discussion will cover the nature of the audio-visual SIP; how to validate it; how to meet quality expectations; how many copies are needed to ensure preservation; how to maintain data integrity; how to document provenance; etc…


Charles Fairall; Etienne Marchand; Laurent Boch; Marijn Daniels; Miroslav Culjat; Peter Schallauer; Sunny Tan
2024-09-16 12:00:00 +0100
approaches to preservation; from document to data
Publication Type
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA-4.0)