Implementing a Collaborative Digital Preservation Network using LOCKSS 2.0


The Michigan Digital Preservation Network (MDPN) received an [implementation grant][1] from the United States Institute for Museum and Library Services to demonstrate a production-scale statewide digital preservation service focused on reducing barriers to participation for small and under-resourced cultural memory institutions (including community archives, historical societies, museums, and public libraries) by leveraging the newly-rearchitected LOCKSS 2.0/[LAAWS (LOCKSS Architected as Web Services)][2] software and [DART (Digital Archivist's Resource Tool)][3], an easy-to-use packaging tool from APTrust. Together, LAAWS and DART foster greater local control over the network infrastructure and make depositing content easier for users with little-to-no technical skill. By contributing to this centralized statewide preservation service, member institutions avoid redundant efforts, share resources, and make preservation more affordable for all. This lightning talk centers on learnings from Phase One of our grant, which focused on identifying five geographically distributed LOCKSS server hosts, testing the new LAAWS documentation and installing the software, configuring DART, creating a deposit pathway between DART and LOCKSS, running deposit tests with partners, and documenting any challenges. Key takeaways include balancing aspirational vision with “on-the-ground” needs and costs, the importance of approaching “non-traditional” partners, managing relationships with collaborators, the value and challenges of local control, and how a network centered on cooperation, trust, and support can create easier “on ramps” to preservation and empower institutions to take more ownership of digital preservation. The MDPN is - by all accounts from the LOCKSS Program - the first preservation network to use the LAAWS software across our entire production network infrastructure, and other institutions may find our experience useful. Although this case study focuses on our work in Michigan, the outcomes are relevant to a broad audience and could be replicated in many different contexts. [1]: [2]: [3]:


Chelsea Denault
2024-09-17 11:10:00 +0100
governance, resourcing, and management for dp; scaling up
Publication Type
lightning talk
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
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Video Stream
Collaborative Notes

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