Digital Preservation of the Kanuri Traditional Circumcision in the Context of Boko Haram Conflict


Globally, conflicts and wars threaten sustainability of people’s tangible and intangible heritage. Traditional Circumcision (kaja) practice and ceremony which is a cultural heritage of the Kanuri people of Northeastern Nigeria is a rite of passage for young boys into adulthood. Presently, this practice stands the risk of fading away completely due to the mass displacement resulting from the Boko Haram conflict. The affected indigenous Kanuri communities are on the verge of loosing their sense of place and opportunity to express their cultural values and traditional knowledge. Currently we have tried to use various social media platforms through Communities of Practice to bring elders together and the youth in order to capture and pass this knowledge to the current and future generations. Despite these little efforts, lack of sustainable digital technologies to preserve and ensure accessibility of this knowledge, endangers the knowledge of Kaja. Therefore, there is the urgent need for digital preservation of these practices to salvage the situation before it is too late. The traditional circumcision is seen as the foundation for fostering lifetime unity and brotherhood amongst boys. This practice is associated with social cohesion of boys of the same age who become circumcised at the same time. Through this rite, young boys are taught peacebuilding and how to live in harmony with other communities The rites performed serves as a prayer for unhindered success for the boys throughout their lifetime. Although there are several changes witnessed over the years due to modernisation and the recent insurgency, the study found that the core philosophy has remained intact at least within the elders. This knowledge can however die with these elders if concrete actions are not taken to preserve them. It is imperative to digitally preserve these knowledges and performances to make them accessible to displaced Kanuri people and the future generations.


Usman Ibrahim
2024-09-18 13:30:00 +0100
approaches to preservation; from document to data
Publication Type
lightning talk
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY-4.0)
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