Digital Preservation in the Brazilian Justice System


The digital transformation in Brazilian public administration has created an urgent need to produce, maintain, preserve, and provide access to authentic and reliable digital records. With the advent of technological advances, digital transformation, and the coronavirus pandemic, these changes have become essential throughout Brazilian public administration. This poster presents an overview of the current state of digital preservation of records related to the Brazilian justice system. The objectives of the research are to identify Brazilian public institutions that work with the digital preservation of records within the scope of the justice system, analyze the digital preservation actions established in normative acts and on the websites of the selected institutions, request access to information related to the organizational resources of the digital preservation of these institutions, and diagnose digital preservation actions in the Brazilian justice system based on the institutions researched and the organizational resources made available in the Digital Preservation Coalition's Rapid Assessment Model. Thus, the institutions were identified and selected within the scope of the empirical framework, followed by a survey and documentary analysis, and requests for access to information related to the organizational resources of these institutions. Finally, the current state of digital preservation actions in the Brazilian justice system was diagnosed based on this preliminary investigation. The research is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative approach, of a social and applied nature. As a result of this research, four institutions were selected, two Superior Courts and two Public Ministries, these representing a Union power and a state unit. Although organizational capabilities for digital preservation are in basic development, there is still much to be done. Therefore, the periodic application of digital preservation maturity assessment models in each institution of the Brazilian justice system is necessary for internal monitoring and progress.


Fernanda Maciel
2024-09-18 13:35:00 +0100
governance, resourcing, and management for dp; start 2 preserve
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