Constructing a Preservation Technical Registry: Leveraging Community Best Practices


Constructing a Preservation Technical Registry: Leveraging Community Best Practices Developing a machine-readable and continuously updated registry of preservation policies and actions is critical for a digital preservation repository accommodating diverse resource types and designated user communities. To enhance the automated preservation workflow within the National Digital Preservation Program (NDDP), we conducted a comparative analysis of current technical registries in the digital preservation (DP) community. Our assessment focused on the breadth of format coverage, the completeness of risk factors, the frequency of information updates, and the interoperability. Following this evaluation, we selected the Preservation Action Registry (PAR) as the foundation for our implementation framework. We extended PAR ( ) with descriptive information and example dataset other representative registries and the legacy practices of the NDPP. This presentation primarily focuses on three key aspects: 1. **Designing the data model:** We customized the Schema and API of the Preservation Action Registry (PAR) to cater to our internal workflow logic while keeping the universal API. 2. **Aggregating format risk factors:** We sourced risk factors from reputable repositories such as the Library of Congress's Recommended Format Specifications (RFS), WikiDP, and NARA's preservation framework. Subsequently, we designed NDPP’s format risk quantification formula based on these factors. 3. **Implementing dynamic updates:** Our system is capable of dynamically detecting updates from community information sources and triggering preservation activities for relevant archived resources in time.


Lu Wang
2024-09-18 11:10:00 +0100
approaches to preservation; start 2 preserve
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lightning talk
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