BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU CAMPAIGN FOR: How formal organization practice may negatively impact adaptability aspects of preservation


Digital preservationists often struggle using their expert knowledge to create change within their own organization. Because of this, they might need to resort to campaigning for decision-making authority. Why is this? Memory institutions are used to adhering to standards and rules. Rules and regulations are beneficial for stability and trustworthiness. But too much focus on rules may create organizational rigidity which negatively impacts adaptability. Adaptability is a major goal for preservation so how could we create more room for this? An important part of adaptability is organizational learning. In order to facilitate learning we must understand which aspects of organizational practice negatively affect it. For example, avoiding discussion of mistakes is an important barrier to learning. If an organization prioritizes learning this can have a positive impact on the motivation of employees. Practitioners may feel more in control when they understand how to use theories of organizational learning to further implementation of preservation principles. More room for learning within the organization might also benefit the field of preservation itself through enhanced knowledge of what works and what doesn't.


Daniel Steinmeier
organizational theory; learning organization; adaptability; stability
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CC-BY 4.0 International
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