Short Paper: Passive Digital Preservation on Paper in Practice


Radioactive waste management encompasses timescales ranging from centuries to hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, it is concerned with the long-term preservation of complex analog and digital information that are key to safeguarding the environment and human health against the potential threat of radioactive waste. The multi-century timescale and criticality of the radioactive waste repositories call for information preservation strategies based on durable, robust and secure data carriers and technologies.
Andra, the French national radioactive waste management agency, uses permanent paper to archive analog material. Over 2020 and 2021, it tested the Micr’Olonys solution from Eupalia, a novel approach to transcribe digital data on paper for passive long-term retention and accessibility.
This paper presents the results of transcribing a database concerning waste packages stored at the first repository operated by Andra, producing a 464-page document instead of a million pages that plain text printing would have required.


Vincent Joguin
database; passive; permanent; paper; nuclear
Publication Type
short paper
CC-BY 4.0 International
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