Short Paper: Data curation and agroecology: examining data requirements for short supply chains


Digital preservation discourse tends to focus the organisational and technical processes required to make data, held in a recognised custodial environment, accessible and usable over the long-term. It rarely focuses on data needs requirements across the full lifecycle as defined by the DCC Curation Lifecycle Model (ref). This paper introduces the problem space for a project in mid-Wales which is taking a holistic approach to data curation and preservation. The Tyfu Dyfi food, nature and well-being project is supporting and developing agroecological practice in the UNESCO designated Dyfi Biosphere towards a more resilient and participatory local food system. Gaps in the creation and distribution of data necessary for successful collaborative food production and marketing are currently being identified. Next steps are the analysis of information flows across the partners to identify requirements for their long-term capture and access.


Sarah Higgins
Aberystwyth University
digital curation; agroecology; food-security; supply-chains
Publication Type
short paper
CC-BY 4.0 International
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