This poster explores steps taken at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums to preserve the outputs of our photogrammetry activity, including research in to emerging good practice, lessons learned, and potential future steps.">
Skip to main content Link Expand (external link) Document Search Copy Copied Welcome iPRES iPRES 2004 iPRES 2005 iPRES 2006 A Dynamic Solution for Electronic Records: The National Archives & Records Administration’s Electronic Records Archives Audio-Visual Archiving: Comparing Memory Institutions and Commercial Industries Audit & Certification of Digital Repositories: Exposing Risk & Fostering Collaboration Bringing Many Tools Together: Building a system of co-operating OAIS's in the MathArc project CADSL: China Archives of Digital Scientific Literature Initiative DAITSS and the Florida Digital Archive DANS: Data Archiving and Networked Services Digital Archive Partnership: National Library of New Zealand, Sun Microsystems, Endeavor Information Systems Digital Data Preservation and Curation: A Collaboration Among Libraries, Publishers, and the Virtual Observatory - A pilot project aimed at preserving, curating, and enabling access to digital data and associated electronic journals content. Digital Preservation in the UK Fedora: Complex Objects, Information Networks, and the Challenges of Digital Preservation Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR): An Interim Status Report LOCKSS - Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe Low-Risk Persistent Identification: the "Entity" (N2T) Resolver METAARCHIVE NDIIPP Partnership Portico: An Electronic Archiving Service Preservation Metadata: Adapting or Adopting PREMIS for APSR Preservation Pressure Points: Evaluating Diverse Evidence for Risk Management Preservation of Federal Digital Publications: GPO, Federal Depository Libraries, and Other Federal Agencies Preserving Things that Count: exploring partnerships among domain specific repositories, institutional repositories, and social science researchers Repository Institutionalization: What makes it worth becoming infrastructure? The International e-Depot: e-Journal Archiving at the national library of the Netherlands The Norwegian Digital Radio Archive - 8 years later, what happened? The nestor Catalogue of Criteria for Trusted Digital Repository Evaluation and Certification Towards A Preservation Content Model for Numeric Data Collections: PREMIS and FEDORA Virtualisation of Simple Scientific Data Objects Web Archive Switzerland kopal - Data into the future: Co-operative Development of a Long-term Digital Information Archive nestor II: e-Science and Preservation - A Perfect Match? iPRES 2007 iPRES 2008 iPRES 2009 iPRES 2010 iPRES 2011 iPRES 2012 A Digital Repository Year: One Museum’s Quest for the Basics Addressing data management training needs: a practice- based approach from the UK Advancing Data Integrity in a Digital Preservation Archive Ex Libris and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Aggregating a Knowledge Base of File Formats from Linked Open Data Ahead of the CurV: Digital Curator Vocational Education An Architectural Overview of the SCAPE Preservation Platform An Overview of Digital Preservation Considerations for Production of “Preservable” e-Records: An Indian e-Government Case Study An ontology-based model for preservation workflows Assessing Digital Preservation Capabilities Using a Checklist Assessment Method Audio Quality Assurance: An Application of Cross Correlation Authenticity Management in Long Term Digital Preservation of Medical Records Bibliobloggers’ Preservation Perceptions, Preferences, and Practices Blogs as Objects of Preservation: Advancing the Discussion on Significant Properties Business Process Preservation: How to capture, document & evaluate? CRISP: Crowdsourcing Representation Information to Support Preservation Challenges in Accessing Information in Digitized 19th-Century Czech Texts Conversion and Emulation-aware Dependency Reasoning for Curation Services Creating Visualizations of Digital Collections with Viewshare Curating the Specificity of Metadata while World Models Evolve Defining Digital Curation through an Interactive, Informal Critical Delphi Approach Demo – An Integrated System-Preservation Workflow Describing Digital Object Environments in PREMIS Developing Research Data Management Capability: the View from a National Support Service Developing a Community Capability Model Framework for data-intensive research Digital Preservation Of Business Processes with TIMBUS Architecture Digital Preservation of Newspapers: Findings of the Chronicles in Preservation Project Digital preservation, archives management, format migration, transformation, at scale, normalization Duplicate Detection for Quality Assurance of Document Image Collections DuraCloud, Chronopolis and SDSC Cloud Integration ESA USE CASES IN LONG TERM DATA PRESERVATION Evaluating Assisted Emulation for Legacy Executables Evaluating an Emulation Environment: Automation and Significant Key Characteristics Formats over Time: Exploring UK Web History From cataloguing to digital curation: the role of libraries in data exchange Future-Proof Preservation of Complex Software Environments Interoperability Framework for Persistent Identifiers systems LDS3: Applying Digital Preservation Principals to Linked Data Systems Migration at Scale: A Case Study On the Complexity of Process Preservation: A Case Study on an E-Science Experiment PDF to PDF/A: Evaluation of Converter Software for Implementation in Digital Repository Workflow Package Formats for Preserved Digital Material Practical Floppy Disk Recovery Study Preservation Is Knowledge: A community-driven preservation approach Preservation Watch: What to monitor and how Preserving Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Findings of the Lifecycle Management for ETDs Project Requirements Elicitation for a Long Term Digital Preservation System: A Case Study from the Financial Sector Rethinking authenticity in digital art preservation Retrocomputing as Preservation The Applicability of Workflow Management Systems for the Preservation of Business Processes The Community-Driven Evolution of the Archivematica Project Towards a Decision Support Architecture for Digital Preservation of Business Processes Towards a Long-term Preservation Infrastructure for Earth Science Data Training needs in digital preservation – A DigCurV Survey Web Archiving Effort in National Library of China Will Formal Preservation Models Require Relative Identity? An exploration of data identity statements bwFLA – Practical Approach to Functional Access Strategies iPRES 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects iPRES 2013 iPRES 2014 A Biological Perspective on Digital Preservation: Poster (Poster) A Biological Perspective on Digital Preservation: Poster (Text) A Data-Geek’s Perspective on iPres 2014: Closing Remarks A Digital Preservation Environment Maturity Matrix for NSLA Libraries: Paper A Model for Format Endangerment Analysis using Fuzzy Logic A Novel Metadata Standard for Multimedia Preservation A Persistent Identifier e-Infrastructure A Perspective on Archiving the Scholarly Web A next generation technical registry: moving practice forward A pragmatic approach to significant environment information collection to support object reuse: Paper Access and Preservation in the Cloud: Lessons from Operating Preservica Cloud Edition Acquiring and Processing Born-Digital Data Using the BitCurator Environment Addressing the personal digital archives needs of a contemporary artist: Paper - IPRES 2014 - Melbourne Applying the TIMBUS Approach to Preserving Context in Digital Libraries Archieving Canonical PDF Validation Automatic Discovery of Preservation Alternatives Supported by Community Maintained Knowledge Bases Born Digital Appraisal, Ingest, and Processing Building Information Modeling – A Game Changer for Interoperability and a Chance for Digital Preservation of Architectural Data? Converting WordStar to HTML4 Curation Cost Exchange platform: Demonstration (Text) DRM and digital preservation: A use case at the German National Library Decommissioning of legacy systems: A methodology for indentifying and preserving records of ongoing business value in legacy business systems: Paper Defining a Roadmap for Economically Efficient Digital Curation – a 4C Project Workshop Demonstrating a Digital Curation Workflow using the BitCurator Environment Demonstration of an Integrated System for Platform-independent Description of Human-Machine Interactions Developing Costing Models for Emulation Based Access in Scientific Libraries Digital Preservation Systems Showcase Digital Preservation: Are We Succeeding?: Panel E-Ark Project – Best Practice Survey on the Archiving of Digital Material: Poster (Text) Epimenides: Interoperability Reasoning for Digital Preservation Functional Access to Electronic Media Collections using Emulation-as-a-Service: Poster (Poster) Getting to Digital Preservation Tools that “Just Work”: Panel ICA-AtoM, Archivematica and Digital Preservation Identifying Digital Preservation Requirements: Digital Preservation Strategy and Collection Profiling at the British Library Integrating e-government systems with digital archives: Paper Legal Aspects for Digital Preservation Domain: Poster (Poster) Legal Aspects for Digital Preservation Domain: Poster (Text) Lessons learned in developing digital preservation tools the right way (and the wrong way): Poster (Text) Leveraging Web Archiving Tools for Research and LongTerm Access Linked Data Registry: A New Approach To Technical Registries Making the strange familiar: Bridging boundaries on database preservation projects Management and Orchestration of Distributed Data Sources to Simplify Access to Emulation-as-a-Service Metadata Representation and Risk Management Framework for Preservation Processes in AV Archives: Poster (Poster) Modelling File Formats and Technical Environments using the NSLA Digital Preservation Technical Registry (DPTR) NLA Software and File Formats Knowledge Base Networked Instruction for Research Data Curation Education: The CRADLE Project New Perspectives on Economic Modeling for Digital Curation Occam’s Razor and File Format Endangerment Factors POSTERS & DEMONSTRATIONS - (Poster) Curation Cost Exchange platform: Demonstration (Poster) PREMIS Implementation Fair Workshop Preservation of Web Content – An Emulation-based Case Study: Poster (Poster) Preservation of ebooks: from digitized to born-digital Preserving Data to Preserving Research: Curation of Process and Context Preserving Government Business Systems: Panel Presto4U- European Technology for Digital Audiovisual Media Preservation: Poster (Text) Quality Assurance Tools for Digital Repositories: Poster (Poster) Quality Assurance Tools for Digital Repositories: Poster (Text) ROHub – A Digital Library for Sharing and Preserving Research Objects: Poster (Poster) Reviving Antique Software: Curation Challenges and the Olive Archive Risk Driven Selection of Preservation Activities for Increasing Sustainability of Open Source Systems and Workflows Self-assessment of the Digital Repository at the State and University Library, Denmark - a Case Study: Paper Shaping a national consortium for digital preservation State Records NSW Digital Archives: Poster (Poster) Supporting the Analysis and Audit of Collaborative OAIS’s Using an Outer OAIS-Inner OAIS (OO-IO) Model Surveying ISO Standards for PDF: archive, accessibility, engineering, metadata, 3D data and PDF itself. History, pain points, solutions and the dream. Sustainability Assessments at the British Library: Formats, Frameworks, & Findings Sustainable, justifiable, repeatable: A digital preservation strategy using metrics-based (re)appraisal: Poster (Poster) The Dendro research data management platform: Applying ontologies to long-term preservation in a collaborative environment The Digital POWRR Project: Enabling Collaborative Pragmatic Digital Preservation Approaches: Poster (Text) The SCAPE Policy Framework, maturity levels and the need for realistic preservation policies: Paper The process of building a national trusted digital repository: solving the federation problem Then and Now: The Evolution of Digital Preservation and Collecting Requirements Over a Decade Title, Bibliographic Details, Conference Committee List, Local Organising Committee List, Programme Committee List, Preface, Programme Details, Contents Pages Uniform and Robust Access to Resource Versions VPlan - Ontology for Collection of Process Verification Data Virtualisation as a Tool for the Conservation of Software-Based Artworks iPRES 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects iPRES 2015 (Re-)publication of Preserved, Interactive Content – Theresa Duncan CD-ROMs: Visionary Videogames for Girls A Foundational Framework for Digital Curation: The Sept Domain Model A Method for the Systematic Generation of Audit Logs in a Digital Preservation Environment and Its Experimental Implementation In a Production Ready System A National Preservation Solution for Cultural Heritage A Survey of Organizational Assessment Frameworks in Digital Preservation Achieving Transparency and Replicability: A Data Curation, Verification, and Publication Workflow Addressing Major Digital Archiving Challenges Advancing the Evidence Base of Digital Preservation Alternatives for Long-Term Storage Of Digital Information An Institutional Digital Repository Backbone Applying Translational Principles to Data Science Curriculum Development ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration Archiving Deferred Representations Using a Two-Tiered Crawling Approach Assessing the Scale of Challenges for Preserving Research Data Automatic Identification and Preservation of National Parts of the Internet Outside a Country’s Top Level Domain Benchmarking Forum Benchmarks for Digital Preservation Tools Best until … A National Infrastructure for Digital Preservation in the Netherlands Beyond the Binary: Pre-Ingest Preservation of Metadata Characterization of CD-ROMs for Emulation-Based Access Congregating Socio- Economic Datasets for Scholastic Research: A Case Study in IIMB Library Copyright and the Digitization of State Government Documents: A Preliminary Analysis Dash Curation Service Infrastructure Enhancement: An Informed Extension & Redesign Data Mining Web Archives DataNet Federation Consortium Preservation Policy ToolKit Deduplicating Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s Web Archive Developing a Framework for File Format Migrations Developing a Highly Automated Web Archiving System Based on IIPC Open Source Software Educational Records of Practice: Preservation and Access Concerns Engaging Content Creators to Improve the Capture and Preservation of Born-Digital Content Establishing Trustworthy Repositories of Scientific Data: Opportunities and Benefits Experiment, Document & Decide: a Collaborative Approach to Preservation Planning at the BnF Fedora 4 Tutorial From Theory to Practice: Using ISO 16363 Functional Access to Forensic Disk Images in a Web Service Getting to the Bottom Line: 20 Digital Preservation Cost Questions Good, Better, Best? Examining the Range and Rationales of Institutional Data Curation Practices Human and Machine-based File Format Endangerment Notification and Recommender Systems Development In Search of GeoBlacklight: Reporting on a Community-Driven Geospatial Data Portal in the Library In the Thicket of It with the NDSA Standards and Practices Working Group: Cultivating Grass Roots Approaches to Real-World Digital Preservation Issues Invitation to Join the OAIS Community Platform Lessons Learned and Open Challenges Regarding Support for Data Management Plans and Research Data Management Long Term Preservation Strategies & Architecture: Views from Implementers Making the Pieces Fit: Integrating Preservation into a Digital Material Ecosystem Managing and Preserving Research Data in Ex Libris Rosetta Mind the Gap: Bridging Digital Libraries & Archives Minimal Effort Ingest Modeling Tweets in Compliance with the Portland Common Data Model One Core Preservation System for All your Data. No Exceptions! Open Preservation Foundation Community Survey 2015 PREMIS Implementation Fair Workshop Participatory Digital Repositories for the Curation of Performing Arts with Digital Technology Preservation of Research Data for Reuse Preserving Born-Digital News Preserving Electronic Syllabi at California State University Long Beach Preserving In-House Developed Software Preserving Informal Astronomy: Arceli, the PressForward Plugin, and the Archiving of Scientific Communications Preserving Qualitative Data: A Data Model to Prepare Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software Data for Long-term Preservation Preserving an Evolving Collection: “On-The-Fly” Solutions for The Chora of Metaponto Publication Series Preserving the Fruit of Our Labor: Establishing Digital Preservation Policies and Strategies at the University of Houston Libraries Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation Project Chrysalis - Transforming the Digital Business of the National Archives of Australia Protecting the Long-Term Viability of Digital Composite Objects through Format Migration Providing Access to Disk Image Content: A Preliminary Approach and Workflow Research on Accessibility of Digital Documentation on Physical Media across Different Versions of MS Windows Roles and Responsibilities for Sustaining Open Source Platforms and Tools Should Web Archives Be Used For Research Data Preservation? Software Reuse, Repurposing and Reproducibility Strategies for Audit-Based Repository Certification: Guidelines, Resources, and Tools to Prepare, Organize, and Evaluate Criteria Evidence Targeting Audiences among the Masses: A Data Curation MOOC for Researchers and Information Professionals Techniques for Preserving Scientific Software Executions: Preserve the Mess or Encourage Cleanliness? Testing the Proposed METS 2.0 Data Model against Use Cases and Complementary Data Models: Presentations and Community Discussion The Oracle Cloud Storage Archive for Long-term Storage and Preservation The Strategic Framework and the Mechanism of Rights Management of Long-term Preservation The retroTECH Program at the Georgia Tech Library: Digital Preservation through Access Towards a Common Approach for Access to Digital Archival Records in Europe Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements Using the Virtual-Private Cloud Model to Serve and Preserve Historical Collections: A Case Study (Based on Islandora) What We Teach: An Assessment of Graduate-Level Digital Curation Syllabi iPRES 2016 iPRES 2017 iPRES 2018 iPRES 2019 iPRES 2020 #weMissiPRES iPRES 2021 3D Preservation Models and Modalities: Advancing Research Reproducibility and Capacity at Virginia Tech A Collaborative Approach to Preserving At-Risk Open Access Journals: “Journals Preserved Forever” A Smart Guide to Preferred Formats A Usability Study of Emulation A data-visiting infrastructure for providing access to preserved databases that cannot be shared or made publicly accessible AI Video Game Legacy Assets Classifier ARCHIVER: archiving and preservation of large scientific datasets ARK Alliance: Empowering 800 institutions and 8 billion identifiers since 2001 Advancing Digital Curation Scholarship through ICA’s Study Schools Are we winning? Other measurables for Digital Preservation BACK TO BASICS: THE MINIMUM PRESERVATION TOOL BUILDING A LOCAL DIGITAL PRESERVATION INFRASTRUCTURE: Experiences in Selecting and Implementing Digital Preservation Systems Building Policy & Capacity: Launching the U.S. Library of Congress Digital Collections Management Compendium CHANGING PRACTICES IN FIXITY: Results from the 2021 NDSA Fixity Survey COMPARING HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HUMANS’ AND BIT-STREAMS’ LIVES COPTR-EDIT-A-THON Tooling up for digital preservation COVID-19 Web Archive Collaborative Mechanism for Public Digital Preservation Service in China Community History Web Archiving Program Consistent evaluation of trustworthiness across guiding principles and standards is crucial to ensure a robust digital repository ecosystem Construction of management platform for 3D model of cultural relics Cultural Heritage Preservation using Multimedia and AI DEPENDENCE RESCISSION AND SEMANTIC INTERPRETATION: KEY STRATEGIES TO LONG-TERM PRESERVATION OF DIGITAL ARCHIVES DIGITAL DOCUMENTARY HERITAGE: SECURING RELIABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ACCESS DIGITAL PRESERVATION STORAGE CRITERIA AND RELEVANT STANDARDS - Latest Development on the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria DIGITAL SERVICE DESIGN FOR MUSEUMS BASED ON DATA CURATION: Take the construction of One-stop online digital platform of the Palace Museum as an example DNA4DNA: Preserving Culturally Significant Digital Data with Synthetic DNA Developing a Flexible Skills Framework for Digital Preservation Developing a holistic research data management strategy for a university - Making preservation planning and long term access first grade citizens in RDM Digital Library Maturation: The Evolution of Digital Collections Management Programs at National Libraries Digital Lifecycle Management in Maryland: Establishing the foundations for consortial approaches to digital preservation at Maryland universities and affiliated institutions EXECUTABLE ARCHIVES: Software integrity for data readability and validation of archived studies EXPLORATION OF PRESERVATION METADATA TOWARDS MEDICAL RESOURCES LONG-TERM ARCHIVING Email Archiving: A Collaborative Journey Enhancing French Digital Preservation Cooperation FDA-DBRepo: A Data Preservation Repository Supporting FAIR Principles, Data Versioning and Reproducible Queries From capture to replay: Web Archiving with webrecorder tools GROWTH RINGS AND DIGITAL PRESERVATION Three meditations on strategies to preserve performance-dependent items GUIDELINES FOR THE SELECTION OF DIGITAL HERITAGE FOR LONG-TERM PRESERVATION: WHAT, WHY, WHEN Harmonizing human infrastructure: A case study of bringing preservation workflows of a library, archive, and museum into alignment INTRODUCING THE FORMAT LIBRARY HELPER IS THIS IMAGE THAT IMAGE? Identification of Multi-Part Digital Objects LEARNINGS FROM ARCHIVER PROJECT How to preserve research datasets LIBNOVA RESEARCH LABS LIBNOVA’s lines of research in technological innovation LaVaH - Distributed long-term preservation with diverse roles and responsibilities Lifecycle-based Preservation Management of Research Data Long Term Preservation Scheme for Digital Assets by Macrowing Archivals PHS-PRES: MULTI-SIDED PROTECTION FOR POPULATION HEALTH DATA PREMIS Rights: keeping pace with new requirements PRESERVING 300TB OF DATA IN 8 MINUTES PROGRESS WITH IMPROVING PRESERVATION AND REUSE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DATA People Make Digital Preservation Preservation Watch: building towards a new generic facility within The Dutch Digital Heritage Network Preservation as the Priority Preserving Access to Web Servers Preserving Immersive Media Preserving for People: Observing Humanities Scholars' Research Practices in a Hybrid Archive Environment Preserving landmark legacy software with the Software Heritage Acquisition Process Project Pipeline: Preservation, Persistence, and Performance Proposal for iPres2021 Tutorial on Rights Management for Research Data Management, Sharing, and Preservation Proposal for iPres2021 Workshop on Trustworthiness Auditing for Sustainable Digital Preservation Services RESEARCH AND PRACTICE ON DOMAIN ONTOLOGY OF ANCIENT CHINESE ARTIFACTS Research on 3D Digitization Scheme of Cultural Relics Preserved for a Long Time SCALABLE AND SUSTAINABLE LONG TERM DIGITAL PRESERVATION OF SCIENTIFIC DATASETS Software Preservation in the Netherlands: Lowering the Threshold for Cultural Heritage Institutions THE TIP OF THE VALIDATION ICEBERG TOWARDS LEVELS OF DIGITAL PRESERVATION AS A SERVICE Text File Format Identification: An Application of AI for the Curation of Digital Records The 2017 Hull 2017 City of Culture Digital Archive The DPC in Australasia: Implementing a global strategy The Design of Collaborative Marking Mode for Museum Collections-Taking "gugong minghuaji" as an example The Italian Guidelines on Creation, Management and Preservation of digital records. A proposed Methodology for File Formats Assessment The Radboud Data Repository: digital preservation throughout the research lifecycle The Significant Properties Of Spreadsheets The “PUPS” Model: Private funding,University staff,Publicrecords, and State archives To Preserve, You Must Adapt. Towards making your repository more trustworthy and FAIR-enabling Trans-Pe/ar(man)ent engage virtualization as a preservation strategy to create an open, sustainable, collaborative infrastructure in an extensive art museum UNDERSTANDING AND IMPLEMENTING METS - A tutorial UNDERSTANDING AND IMPLEMENTING PREMIS - A tutorial Understanding Storage Intermediaries Virtual Research Environment with Preservation Tools What are your digital preservation headaches, and how can we treat them together? When Digital Remembers Analogue - Conservation Metadata for Analogue Film as Preservation Description Information in a Digital Archive Wikidata: A Magic Portal for Siegfried and Roy filedriller: Marrying Siegfried and the National Software Reference Library iPres2021 Panel Discussion on Long-term Preservation and Utilization of Digital Dunhuang Resources iPRES 2022 Behind the Scenes. 3 Decades of Digital Preservation Cyber Resilience Digital Storytelling as Preservation LABDRIVE Tutorial: A Research Data Management and Digital Preservation Platform Long Paper: A Digital Preservation Wikibase Long Paper: A Generic Emulator Interface for Digital Preservation --- Towards a Collaborative Distributed Emulator Registry Long Paper: Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Developing a New Skills Framework for Digital Preservation Long Paper: Appraisal and Selection on a Long-term Preservation Repository? Can you repeat that, please? Long Paper: CONSTRUCTION OF A BENCHMARK MODEL FOR LONG-TERM PRESERVATION VALUE EVALUATION OF ACADEMIC INFORMATION ON SOCIAL MEDIA Long Paper: E-ARK, Ten years and still going strong: Results, Use Cases and Benefits. Long Paper: Feasible, Adaptable and Shared: A call for a community framework for implementing ML and AI Long Paper: Green Goes with Anything: Decreasing Environmental Impact of Digital Libraries at Virginia Tech Long Paper: How do users discover digital preservation tools? Report on a survey of professionals Long Paper: It Takes a Whole Village to Define a Preservation Strategy: Formalizing Policies on Data Formats Normalization at the National Library of France Long Paper: Making Risk Modeling Accessible With DiAGRAM Long Paper: Metadata Quality in Digital Libraries: An Analysis of Survey Response Data Long Paper: Preservation Strategies for New Forms of Scholarship Long Paper: RESILIENCE OF INTERNET ART SUPPORTED BY EXECUTABLE ARCHIVE PRINCIPLES Case-study of Flash & VMRL Artwork Long Paper: Useable Software Forever. The Emulation as a Service Infrastructure (EaaSI) Program of Work Long Paper: “We’re all doing the best we can with what we’ve got” : Preservation practices of Data Curation Network members Panel: 2021 NDSA Staffing Survey: Digital Preservation Intent vs Reality Panel: A Labor of Language: Building The Global Preservation Community Through Funded Translation Projects Panel: ARCHIVER: Sustainable Preservation of Scientific Data Panel: Computational Access to Digital Material: Exploring topics around engagement, ethics and resources Panel: CoreTrustSeal v3.0 In a Preservation and Community Context Panel: How can bringing together the workflows of publishing and preservation lead to better, longer-term solutions that benefit both?: A panel with COPIM Work Package 7, the Embedding Preservability in New Forms of Scholarship Project (NYU), and Project JASPER Panel: IT'S ALL IMPORTANT OF COURSE, BUT… Panel: Lessons Learned During the Implementation of a Digital Preservation Project:Experiences from Europe, USA, and Asia Panel: Right Click to Preserve: Preservation, NFTs, and Distributed Ledgers Panel: WILL DNA FORM THE FABRIC OF OUR DIGITAL PRESERVATION STORAGE? DNA Data Storage: A Panel Discussion Panel: ‘Practical’ Vs. ‘Exemplary’ Sustainability: Is There a Right Way to Archive Email? Poster: AIA/ OLIVER WITTE COLLECTION:A digital preservation workflow Poster: BIT PRESERVATION USING THE OPEN SOURCE BITREPOSITORY.ORG FRAMEWORK Poster: Bringing Transparency and Permeability to Organizational Silos: Improving Workflow and Culture Poster: Community Archives and Digital Sustainability Poster: Concept Model for Development of Preservation Plans Poster: Creating Workflows to Scale Out Large Open Access E-book Acquisitions at the Library of Congress Poster: Digital Preservation Capabilities of Universities: Survey in the Light of DPC RAM Poster: Digital Preservation In A Lunchbox: Launching a community of practice Poster: Exploring Software, Tools and Methods used in Web Archive Research Poster: FOSTERING A DATA INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: A Case Study in Japan Poster: Incorporating Digital Preservation and Access Maturity Models into Wider Assessment Programmes: Archive Service Accreditation and the Levels of Digital Preservation and Born-Digital Access Poster: Keeping Up With the Data: Reflections on Fixity and Data Visualizations Poster: LIBNOVA Consortium:A successful community project Poster: Lessons from the National Archives of Singapore’s Journey Developing a Digital Preservation System for Public Records Poster: Leveraging AI for Video Appraisal: A Case Study at the World Bank Group Poster: PRESERVING PHOTOGRAMMETRY OUTPUTSA case study at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums Poster: Preserving Collections On Tape At The National Library Of Scotland: From Business Case To Bytes Poster: Preserving Electronic Theses at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums Poster: Progress to Participatory Digital Preservation with Geopark: A Case Study of How Gold Museum in Taiwan Participates in Shui-Chin-Chiu Geopark to Engage with Local Communities Poster: Quality Assurance For Born-Digital Interactive Narratives: The New Media Writing Prize Collection As A Case Study Poster: Research Weeks Poster: Strength in Numbers Poster: Supporting Preservation of Veteran Personal Archives: A Workshop on the Use of the Virtual Footlocker Project Curriculum Poster: THE CO2 EMISSIONS OF STORAGE AND USE OF DIGITAL OBJECTS AND DATA Poster: Towards a Collections Model for Preservation Planning at the British Library Poster: Upscaling the MPT Poster: WHAT DOES DATA LOSS REALLY COST? Short Paper: "A Tartan Rather Than a Plain Cloth": Building a Shared Workflow to Preserve the Regional Ethnology of Scotland Project Archive Short Paper: "…provide a lasting legacy for Glasgow and the nation"Two years of transferring Scottish Cabinet records to National Records of Scotland Short Paper: A DECADE OF TRUSTWORTHY DIGITAL REPOSITORY CERTIFICATION: YET THERE WAS ONE Short Paper: ACT NOW, LATE OR NEVER: Make Digital Objects (more) archivable early in their life cycle? Short Paper: Access Quality Metrics for Net Art Short Paper: Archivematica-EPrints Integration: Developing digital preservation capacity for open repositories Short Paper: Caring for Born Digital Video Camera Original Formats: Considering Intentional Change Short Paper: Cultivating the Scientific Data of the Morrow Plots: Visualization and Data Curation for a Long-term Agricultural Experiment Short Paper: DNA Data storage for long term digital preservation Short Paper: Data curation and agroecology: examining data requirements for short supply chains Short Paper: Design Patterns in Digital Preservation Short Paper: Developing an approach for archiving Digital Audio Workstation projects: A pilot study Short Paper: Digital Preservation Pipeline for Data Storage Media At The Cinémathèque Suisse Short Paper: Do We Really Know Our Data? Toward a Methodology for Assessing Preservation Sustainability and Improving PAIMAS Negotiations via Characterization Short Paper: EMA: Brazilian Cultural Heritage Image Dataset - Towards AI-based metadata annotation of digital collections Short Paper: EVALUATING DIGITAL PRESERVATION CAPABILITY WITH LARGE AT-RISK COLLECTIONS: Lessons learnt from preserving the NVA Archive Short Paper: Evaluating a Taxonomy for Video Game Development Artifacts: Archival Taxonomies in Highly Innovative Domains Short Paper: FROM RAY CATS TO DPC RAM: HOW BEST TO PRESERVE A DIGITAL MEMORY OF THE NUCLEAR DECOMMISSIONING PROCESS Short Paper: From Outpost to Community: Strengthening support for the Australasian digital preservation community through regional presence Short Paper: Going for Gold or Good Enough? Observations on three years of benchmarking with DPC RAM Short Paper: Improving the archiving and contextualization of electronic messaging in French Short Paper: It Takes a Village in Practice: Growing Communities During a Pandemic Short Paper: MAPPING THE LANDSCAPE OF DIGITAL PRESERVATION NETWORKS The nestor Digital Preservation Community survey Short Paper: Macintosh Resource Forks - Choosing File Formats for Preservation Short Paper: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Version 2 Short Paper: Monitoring Bodleian Libraries' Repositories with Micro Services Short Paper: OAIS-compliant digital archiving of research and patrimonial data in DNA Short Paper: OPEN ACCESS BOOKS AND DIGITAL PRESERVATION Short Paper: OPTIMIZING MEMORY FOR LEGACY DOS SYSTEMS Short Paper: Passive Digital Preservation on Paper in Practice Short Paper: Preservation Watch: Working Towards A Supra-Organizational Preservation Watch Function Within The Dutch Digital Heritage Network Short Paper: ROBUSTIFYING LINKS WITH ZOTERO Short Paper: Repository Speed DatingA methodology for narrowing the field Short Paper: Seeking Sustainability: Developing a Modern Distributed Digital Preservation System Short Paper: The 2022 Revision of the PREMIS Rights Entity Short Paper: The C02 Emissions of Storage and use of Digital Objects and Data. Exploring Climate Actions. Short Paper: The design and implementation of a necessary and sufficient system for the long-term archival retention of digital documents Short Paper: These Crawls can Talk. Context Information for Web Collections. Short Paper: Vanished: Preserving the Carmichael Watson Project Website Offline Using Webrecorder Short Paper: Vault: Building an Extensible, Affordable Digital Preservation & Repository Service TUTORIAL: AUTOMATED TOPIC MODELLING IN ARCHIVES PORTAL EUROPE Tutorial: Continuous Improvement Tools for Developing Capacity and Skills Tutorial: Scalable Curation of Email with Open-Source Tools: Review, Appraisal, and Triage of Mail (RATOM) Tutorial: UNDERSTANDING AND IMPLEMENTING PREMIS A tutorial Tutorial: Writing Binary By Hand Using ePADD for Email Preservation: Implementing the ePADD+ Project Enhancements Workshop: Changing Curriculums for a Changing World? Living in Interesting Times: Digital Preservation Education, Pedagogy and Skills Workshop: Eternalize DBs workshop - exchange on sustainability and re-use of database content Workshop: Preserving Complex Digital Objects Revisited Workshop: Registering our preservation intentions: A collaborative workshop on digital preservation registries Workshop: The Bits In The Bytes: Understanding File Format Identification Workshop: The Climate Crisis and New Paradigms For Digital Access Workshop: The Value of Catastrophic Data Loss Workshop: Welcome to Fedora 6.0: Features, Migration Support & Integrations for Community Use Cases iPRES 2023 iPRES 2024 "What do you do with a million mails?" A survey on email archiving in German-speaking countries 'Scaling up' knowledge of Digital Preservation Risk: From Concept to Reference Model and Risk Assessment with CHARM A Condition Assessment Model for Multi-variant Net Artworks A Generic Carbon Footprint Model A Portrait of the Digital Preservation Labor Market in 2021-2022 A common SIP specification for shared digital preservation infrastructure A decoupled Custodial Copy for cloud-based Digital Preservation Systems A three-tier digital preservation strategy A toolkit for kickstarting a community AI Semantic Credibility and Wikibase Knowledge Graph Self-Verification: Leveraging Large Language Models and Wikidata to Mitigate Agent Hallucination within Conversational Applications for the Digital Preservation Domain Accessible Preservation: developing an inclusive strategy for management and preservation of access quality born-digital assets Addressing the problem of file formats obsolescence: the Italian guidelines on file format conversion for the long-term preservation of electronic records All Risk is Local: File Format Risk Assessment in Two U.S. Government Contexts An ethical data practice for intangible cultural heritage: a practical guide for collecting and linking data on An exploration of the Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file format Analysis and Development Suggestions for the NDPC Long-term Preservation of Digital Science and Technology Resources Analyzing Large Web Archive Collections Using Parquet Files Archiving Digital Marketing: Examining Preservation of Dynamic Content on the Web Through the Lens of Online Advertisements Archiving Made Easy: Introducing Brocade – a Tool for Modern Archive Management Archiving Strategies For Texts And Instant Messages By Politicians In Office. A Belgian Case Study Archiving social media for beginners Arkivum digital preservation solution Artificial Intelligence and audiovisual archives: lessons learned AusEaaSI and Archiving Australian Media Arts Automated Digital Preservation with Preservica Bake Off participation from Artefactual Systems Building an information model ready for access Capstone Archiving in Europe: Key Legal Questions Catalyzing African Community Archives for Social Good: A Reciprocal Partnership between the University of Illinois and African Archivists Century Scale Data Storage Changing the way e-books are created and published to increase preservability and preservation Charting the Future: ICPSR's 20+ Years of Digital Preservation and Beyond Cloudy Data With a Chance of Transfer: Towards SharePoint Transfer at UK Parliament Community engagement through cultural archiving: exploring the preconditions for a community-oriented cultural archival practice in Flanders (Belgium) Constructing a Preservation Technical Registry: Leveraging Community Best Practices Creating a Digital Asset Register: our approach at University of Glasgow Archives & Special Collections. Current Trends in Digital Preservation Storage - Results from the 2023 NDSA Storage Survey DART: Digital Archivist’s Resource Tool DIMAG Ingest Process Module DP bake-off: Ex Libris Rosetta DROID - a guide to recent product enhancements DROID Bake-off Dancing with donors: Trust-building across gaps of curation priorities Demo of Docbyte Democratizing digital preservation skills in personal digital archives and activist community web archives. DiSHACLed Dialogues with the Past: Leveraging Conversational AI in Archives Did you ever migrate preservation data from one digital preservation platform to another? Digital Detective Game Digital Preservation Maturity of Philippine Organisations Digital Preservation Registries: What We Have & What We Need Digital Preservation Storage Criteria Game Digital Preservation Then and Now: Reflecting on Ten+ Years Studying the Field Digital Preservation for 5 Year Olds (and other learning games) Digital Preservation in the Brazilian Justice System Digital Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge in Ramat Library, University of Maiduguri; Nigeria Digital Preservation of the Kanuri Traditional Circumcision in the Context of Boko Haram Conflict Digital Records Management for artist-run centres Digital Repository For African History Culture And Heritage - A Case of Keiyo Community of Kenya Digital preservation in the cloud? Dungeons & Documents Elody - Open Source Semantic Data Platform Embracing the Gray of Digital Preservation Emulating the Zenith Z-100 Computer Emulation Beyond Borders: How Can We Sustain and Scale Emulation and Software Preservation? Enabling Digital Scholarship with the Library of Congress's First Data Librarian Enabling easier discovery with a controlled vocabulary for iPRES papers Energy, Digital Preservation, and the Climate: Proactively Planning for an Uncertain Future Enhancing Metadata Management through Linked Data Models Evaluation of Research Data File Errors - First Results Everybody in the TARDIS (Teams of Archival Research Data Information Specialists): Collaborative Efforts to Save Historical Data Expanding Horizons for Digital Storage in Research Libraries: Navigating the Zettabyte Era Exploring Preservation of Research Data and Its Context through Case Studies Exposing repository information to foster connections and trust: evaluating and implementing guidelines. FAIRVault, an interuniversity project on creating a restricted access data archive FRiPres 2024 - A french speaking chapter for iPres File Fixity in the Cloud: Policy, Business, and Technical Considerations File Format Frenzy FileTrove Filling a Void: New Digital Preservations Initiatives Around the World to Preserve and Share Vernacular and Family Photos First steps into command line tools for preservation First steps towards a BnF preservation policy for graphic works intended for printing Fostering Collaboration Between Research Libraries and Community Archives to Preserve the ‘Network of Mutuality’ Frameworks for Evaluating Digital Sustainability in the NIH HEAL Data Ecosystem Francophonie ! Digital Preservation with a French Touch From 'dark' and 'cold' to FAIR: steps towards a trusted preservation repository for scientific data at EPFL From Burden to Benefit: Rethinking Digital Preservation at Universities From Floppy to Future: Converting Legacy Media into Digital Archives From document to data(sets): A new lens into the National Library Singapore’s digital collection Future iPRES Conference Hosts Meet-up Game On: Learning Digital Skills Through Collaborative Game Development Get insight in the life cycle of file formats in your repository Gettin' SIG-y with it: a JHOVE Special Interest Group to enhance documentation and explain error messages Getting Started with Digital Preservation: Practical Advice and Embracing “Good Enough” Getting good at email acquisition: Building a guide for the practice Going green: from storing to streaming data GovInfo Digital Repository – Scaling Up to the Standards of Sustainable Trustworthy Digital Repository Certification Guidelines for quarantine and preservation of computer storage media How do you preserve 50 billion photos? How preservable is your complex digital project? Introducing a Preservability Self Assessment Tool How the National Library established autonomous product team organisation How to Stop Negative Maintenance of Legacy Systems to Rescue Historical Data: Inspiration From Data Archiving In China With The Participation Of Comprehensive Archives Identifying Generative AI-Created Content Through Metadata Implementation of preservation metadata for digitization of public health videographic documents in Brazil Implementing a Collaborative Digital Preservation Network using LOCKSS 2.0 In the Cloud: Effects of Platformisation in the Preservation Ecosystem of Video Games and Software-based Art Intake of heterogeneous digital archival collections at meemoo: the challenges Integrating Preservation Service into a multi-repository environment at CERN Into the future Irish Language Digital Preservation and Open Research Terminology It could happen to you: Thirty years of digital preservation in an ever-changing organization KEEPERS Registry - A Two-Way Street for E-Journal Preservation: Querying from and reporting to the ISSN KEEPERS Registry to improve e-journal preservation Keeping users informed: using content advisories and emphasising the person when disseminating archives with human remains Key findings from the EOSC Association Long Term Data Preservation Task Force Learn how to map the carbon footprint of your digital archive Leveraging Digital Preservation Plans to Tackle Backlogs Libsafe Advance: Enhancing PII Management and Digital Preservation Low-resource / no-resource: lowering the barriers to sustainable digital preservation in the contemporary art professions METS-bag-checker: developing my first python tool to validate METS packages Macintosh Type/Creator Codes: Improving identification of files from MacOS Classic Make your list, check it twice: Curatorial preservation checklist for repositories Making the Move: Hands-on migrations to Fedora 6.x Management and conservation of audiovisual documents in information institutions in Oman Managing the continuous growth of a repository for over 14 years: Problems and Solutions for an Ever Expanding Open Archival Information System Many Hands Make Light(er) Work: Collaborative Web Lifecycle Management Measuring and Managing the Carbon Footprint of Digital Preservation Meemoo's Metadata Bake-Off: How AI Bakes Metadata into Digital Collections Meeting the Digital Preservation Needs of Smaller Organizations Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) Version 2 Migrating data without original checksums Monitoring the digital preservation process Navigating realities in Digital Preservation: Insights from the Utaina Audiovisual Digitisation Project OCFL Workshop OPEX and PAX: A transfer format for digital preservation content Ontologies in the Real World: How to Make Things Happen? Oops! If only... Open Science Against Humanity and Open <3 Science Card Games Opening Windows: Remote Imaging as a Preservation Tool for Legacy Computers PDF Hybrid Preservation on Paper: Combining Digital and Analog to Preserve Critical Documents for Centuries in a Radioactive Waste Management Context PREMIS Digital Preservation Metadata Birds of a Feather Paradox in Paradox Database Passing the Baton: Discussing the Future of the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria Piloting a Documentation Framework for Digital Preservation at the National Archives of Singapore Practical Exploration of Digital Preservation Capability Training for NDPP Team Prepare to Preserve: the Harvest Combine for Research Data at Stockholm University and the Systems Inventory Preservation Python Preservation of audio-visual content: strategies and cases of FIAT/IFTA community Preserving File Names Across Their Perilous Journey Through File Systems Preserving Inria's Legacy Software: A Crowd-Sourced Approach Preserving Users’ Knowledge of Contemporary and Legacy Computer Systems Preserving data and documents with the Vitam software Preserving digital news by partnering with newspapers and their platforms Providing administrative access to large numbers of archived databases Providing observability and transparency in a distributed digital preservation network Reach Out I’ll Be There – The Challenges of Working in Digital Preservation and the Impact on Practitioner Mental Health and Wellbeing Reach for the (cloudy) Sky! Exploring cloud-to-cloud archiving of digital records Rescue of information after fire: the case study of digital preservation of photographic cardboard of the National Museum/UFRJ Save As: The past, present and future of post-custodial approaches to community generated, community owned digital content Scaling Up Digital Preservation Workflows With Homegrown Tools and Automation Scaling up: Photographing the 'Panorama of Congo' Scholarly Serials & Other Published Online Heritage: Measuring What Is Kept Searching for Storage Recommendations for Large Born Digital and Digitized AV Records at a Medium Sized University Archives Series as the starting point. Unveiling the potential of series in digital preservation Significant properties of the digital authoritative record in Upper Austria Simplify to Amplify: Rearchitecting for Preservation in the Cloud Simplifying the ingest workflow – The SIP Creator project Siplicity: a triage tool for digital preservation practitioners Some URLs Are Immortal, Most Are Ephemeral Start 2 Collaborate: Letterenhuis and University of Antwerp Joining Forces in Tackling Challenges Related to Born-Digital Archives Start 2 Preserve: Building a Community of Practice Start 2 Preserve: Creating a Skills Development Resource Stress and its Impacts on Digital Preservationists in Canada Supporting FAIR and Forever: experiences in revising the Energy Data Centre’s policies Surmounting the Barriers to Social Media Archiving - With a Little Help from my Friends TDR: the hard drive forward The AIDA Network in Flanders The Project: building an LTDP infrastructure in a University. The BnF data-driven policy for legal deposit of born-digital sound The Digital Preservation Policies of LOCKSS Networks The European Commission's eArchiving Initiative: E-ARK Specifications, Validation Tools, Conformance, and Related Activities The Evaluation of the Performance Quality for Publishers of Long-term Preservation of Digital Science and Technology Resources The Floppy Disks in the Garage: physical preservation conditions and digital media The Future of Preservation: Reinventing the Repository at Harvard The Long-Term Preservation of Research Data Challenge The Migration of Optical Discs in Book Supplements at the National Diet Library, Japan The Next Big Thing The Open Preservation Foundation family tree The Possibilities & Limitations of SQL-Database Archiving The Potential of Cited Executable State for Software Object Access, Validation, and Research: A Preview of the GISST System The flux and rhythm of community: A case study on building and maintaining a community of practice Topic Analysis of Digital Preservation Based on BERTopic Training AI Models From Within A Digital Preservation System: Ensuring Machine Learning approaches can learn from users Transparent and Trustworthy Artifact Life Cycle Data Traveling Light: a carry-on of essentials for development of Cornell's digital preservation program Understanding the digital city: Conflicting values, community and representation information Understanding your collections with the DigiPres Workbench Unlocking millions of Nigerian memories for digital preservation and sustainability Using Digital Documents to Preserve Emulation: Lessons Learned from Compiling a 30-Year Emulation Bibliography Using the CoSAI ecosystem to archive scholarly code with docs and discussions Utilizing Large Language Models for Semantic Search and Summarization of International Television News Archives Utilizing workflows as roadmaps in new digital preservation programs Validate Your Content – the Online File Validator Validating the completeness of an archive with an external reference list. The Publications Office experience Validation Anonymous: A JHOVE Error Message Helpspace Was it all worth it? Web Archives for All? Towards Equitable Access to UK Public Sector Web Archives What delineates a Digital Preservation solution? What’s in the box: an exploration of container-based file format identification When Software was Sound: Exploring the forensic materiality and evidence of manufacture of microcomputer software recorded on cassette. Where is my hoverboard? Back to the Future! A DeLorean ride to Queensland State Archives’ Digital Archive Whose knowledge Counts?Decolonisation of Knowledge for Digital Preservation and Sustainability of Indigenous Knowledge in Africa Workflows in a consortial long-term archiving infrastructure Working on a Budget with WANG disks and other obscure formats Wouldn’t It Be Nice… Planning for the Third Edition of the Digital Preservation Handbook XDCAM digital transfer project embARC! Metadata Embedded for Archival Content from FADGI veraPDF Arlington Validator ‘Good old Internet: it's not just there for the serious things in life!’: a digital forensics workflow on-the-fly to preserve the history of technology in higher education through University of Edinburgh BITs newsletter (1994-2019) “Shared Services” for Values-driven, Community-supported Digital Preservation “You oughta be in pictures”: Insights to Digital Moving Image Preservation from the BFI, EYE, and LOC iPRES 2025 iPRES 2026 iPRES iPRES 2022 Poster: PRESERVING PHOTOGRAMMETRY OUTPUTSA case study at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums Poster: PRESERVING PHOTOGRAMMETRY OUTPUTSA case study at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums Abstract Photogrammetry – taking overlapping photographs of an object and converting them into 3D digital models – is increasingly popular as a technique for recording, analysing, and providing digital access to heritage collections. This poster explores steps taken at the University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums to preserve the outputs of our photogrammetry activity, including research in to emerging good practice, lessons learned, and potential future steps. Details Creators Sean Rippington Institutions University Of St Andrews Libaries & Museums Date Keywords photogrammetry; 3d; heritage Publication Type poster License CC-BY 4.0 International Download (unknown) bytes View This Publication