Panel: How can bringing together the workflows of publishing and preservation lead to better, longer-term solutions that benefit both?: A panel with COPIM Work Package 7, the Embedding Preservability in New Forms of Scholarship Project (NYU), and Project JASPER


Rather than preservation and archiving being an afterthought for digitally published works, research is being done to explore how the concepts, processes, and requirements of preservation can be embedded into publishing, especially OA publishing. How might this be integrated further, and what benefits might extend to academics and researchers themselves? Often the difficulties or challenges of preservation result from scholarly research being generated and published without a preservation policy in mind, which can result in the knowledge becoming lost. This has a particularly emphasised effect upon smaller and scholar-led presses, who often do not have the inbuilt resilience typically provided by either a large business model or a memory institution, which can allow for archiving and preservation to occur procedurally. Our panel will consider the workflows involved, potential solutions, and what additional engagement may be necessary to increase awareness among publishers and researchers. COPIM’s Work Package 7 engages with complex digital OA monographs and the scholar-led publishing community. The Mellon-funded Embedding Preservability in New Forms of Scholarship project (NYU) embeds digital preservation experts with publishers from the beginning of the publishing process to help them to make choices that result in publications, including very complex ones, that can be preserved at scale. And Project JASPER works with small, independent OA journals to facilitate preservation.


Miranda Barnes
Loughborough University
open access; digital preservation; archiving
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CC-BY 4.0 International
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