DIGITAL PRESERVATION STORAGE CRITERIA AND RELEVANT STANDARDS - Latest Development on the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria


This poster provides the latest updates on the Digital Preservation Storage Criteria. These Criteria are intended to help with developing requirements and evaluations of preservation storage solutions, to seed discussions about preservation storage, and/or to use as digital preservation instructional material. The Criteria are grouped into categories including content integrity, cost considerations, flexibility, information security, resilience, scalability & performance, support, and transparency. The working group created an accompanying usage guide covering risk management, independence, elements in establishing bit safety, and cost considerations as related to the Criteria, with new topics to be added in the next version. This year, the working group mapped each criterion to international standards that are relevant to Digital Preservation Storage such as ISO 16363 Audit and Certification of Trustworthy Digital Repositories and the ISO 27000 Information Security series. The aim of this poster is to discuss the mapping that was done between the criteria and these standards, as well as the proposed changes to the criteria and the associated usage guide as a result.


Eld Zierau; Cynthia Wu; Andrea Goethals; Nancy McGovern; Sibyl Schaefer
Royal Danish Library; National Library of New Zealand; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of California
digital preservation storage; archival storage; criteria; risk management; standards
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CC BY 4.0 International
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