From Preservation To Access In One Step


Access to audiovisual content continues to lag behind that of textual and still image content. Its time-based nature means it is tremendously underserved. However, current technology makes it possible to create automated transcriptions from audio, which can be used to implement granular search tools with high degrees of accuracy. This, together with building visualization tools that give the user the power to navigate audiovisual content easily, constitutes a unique opportunity to enhance access to audiovisual collections. Additionally, although some preservation systems offer access platforms, these are not designed to display audiovisual content in its full potential. Aviary offers specialized access to audiovisual content with granular permissions, and fully searchable indexes and transcripts. Generic integrations with preservation systems such as Preservica and Archivematica are in being developed currently. This proposal is to offer a live demonstration of Aviary focused on integrations with digital preservation systems. We expect to be able to provide a demonstration of the system and this specific feature at iPRES 2019.


Bertram Lyons; Pamela Vízner
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CC BY 4.0 International
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