Testing the Proposed METS 2.0 Data Model against Use Cases and Complementary Data Models: Presentations and Community Discussion


The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) 1.x schema has an established community of users including academic and national libraries, archives, and museums as well as support from a number of commercial and open source tool and service vendors. While the established community of METS users has adapted systems and tools to METS expressed in XML, many in the library and archive communities are moving toward the use of newer technologies such as those of the Semantic Web and linked data for the digital content that they have been collecting. As a result, the METS Editorial Board (MEB) has been contemplating a data model for a next generation METS schema that will facilitate these kinds of technologies. The initial approach to a new METS data model aligned very closely to metadata schemes in the preservation arena, namely PREMIS, but the MEB thought it essential to test the new METS 2.0 data model against existing canonical implementations of METS, and developing complementary data models. This workshop will describe current and ongoing efforts to evaluate and further develop a new METS data model. Participants are invited to participate in the discussions, and the subsequent evaluation / refinement of a METS 2.0 data model.


Bertrand Caron; Andreas Nef; Nancy Hoebelheinrich; Thomas Habing
aggregation formats; digital object description; metadata encoding and transmission standard; metadata standards alignment; digital preservation
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CC BY 4.0 International
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