Alternatives for Long-Term Storage Of Digital Information


The most fundamental component of digital preservation is managing the digital objects in archival repositories. Preservation Repositories must archive digital objects and associated metadata on an affordable and reliable type of digital storage. There are many storage options available; each institution should evaluate the available storage options in order to determine which options are best for their particular needs. This poster examines three criteria in order to help preservationists determine the best storage option for their institution: Cost, Longevity, and the Migration Time frame. While Richard Wright maintains that “storage is becoming the lowest cost in a digital repository,” Cost is probably the single most important factor when considering long term storage. Cost may be a limiting factor in the number objects that are preserved. Chapman asserts that repository storage costs “must be affordable and manageable or content owners will withhold materials from deposit.” Storage costs, even if they are declining, may influence decision makers to select a low-cost storage option, at the expense of essential preservation needs. DeRidder, in her presentation “Considerations for Storage and Protection of Content”, lists Cost as the first factor in choosing a storage media option.


Chris Erickson; Barry Lunt
digital preservation; digital storage; storage costs
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CC BY 4.0 International
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